
license: MITCIcodecov


A Julia Package that can prove theorems in Euclidean geometry using the Ritt-Wu method.


Install the package with

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("GeometricTheoremProver")

then import the package with

julia> using GeometricTheoremProver

now you are ready to prove your first theorem. Let us prove that Apollonius circle theorem. First we state hypothesis and thesis

hp = @hp begin
    points(A, B, C)
    C := Segment(A, B) ⟂ Segment(A, C)
    M₁ := Midpoint(A, B)
    M₂ := Midpoint(A, C)
    M₃ := Midpoint(B, C)
    H := A ↓ Segment(B, C)
    O := Circle(M₁, M₂, M₃)
A : free
B : free
C : semifree by (1)
M₁ : dependent by (2)
M₂ : dependent by (3)
M₃ : dependent by (4)
H : dependent by (5)
O : dependent by (6)

(1) AB ⟂ AC
(2) M₁ ∈ AB ∧ AM₁ ≅ M₁B
(3) M₂ ∈ AC ∧ AM₂ ≅ M₂C
(4) M₃ ∈ BC ∧ BM₃ ≅ M₃C
(5) H ∈ BC ∧ AH ⟂ BC
(6) OM₁ ≅ OM₂ ≅ OM₃
th = @th H ∈ Circle(O, M₁)
OH ≅ OM₁

now the theorem can be proved with the prove function

prove(hp, th)
Assigned coordinates:
A = (0, 0)
B = (u₁, 0)
C = (x₁, u₂)
M₁ = (x₂, x₃)
M₂ = (x₄, x₅)
M₃ = (x₆, x₇)
H = (x₈, x₉)
O = (x₁₀, x₁₁)

Goal 1: success

Nondegeneracy conditions:
u₁ ≠ 0
-u₁² + 2u₁x₁ - u₂² - x₁² ≠ 0
u₂ ≠ 0
4x₂x₅ - 4x₂x₇ - 4x₃x₄ + 4x₃x₆ + 4x₄x₇ - 4x₅x₆ ≠ 0
-2x₃ + 2x₇ ≠ 0
