Build a type-2 inference system

This tutorial explains how to build a type-2 inference system. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the basic syntax to build a fuzzy system, which is described in the Build a Mamdani inference system tutorial.

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Interval membership function

While a normal membership function associates each element of a fuzzy set ot a membership degree $\mu \in [0, 1]$, an interval membership function associates each element to an interval membership degeee $\overline{\mu}\subseteq[0, 1]$.

The following example shows how to contruct an interval membership function in the library and displays the result.

using FuzzyLogic, Plots

mf = 0.7 * TriangularMF(1, 2, 3) .. TriangularMF(0, 2, 4)

plot(mf, -1, 5)
Example block output

An interval membership function can be constructed using the .. operator. The left input is the lower bound and the right input is the upper bound. The expression 0.5 * TriangularMF(1, 2, 3) constructs a scaled membership.

Type-2 inference systems

A type-2 Mamdani system can be built with the @mamfis macro, just like type-1, with two differences

  • membership functions can be interval membership funcions
  • the defuzzifier should be one of the Type-2 defuzzifiers

The following code shows an example of building a type-2 system and performing inference with it.

fis = @mamfis function tipper(service, food)::tip
    service := begin
        domain = 0:10
        poor = 0.8 * GaussianMF(0.0, 1.2) .. GaussianMF(0.0, 1.5)
        good = 0.8 * GaussianMF(5.0, 1.2) .. GaussianMF(5.0, 1.5)
        excellent = 0.8 * GaussianMF(10.0, 1.2) .. GaussianMF(10.0, 1.5)

    food := begin
        domain = 0:10
        rancid = 0.9 * TrapezoidalMF(-1.8, 0.0, 1.0, 2.8) .. TrapezoidalMF(-2, 0, 1, 3)
        delicious = 0.9 * TrapezoidalMF(8, 9, 10, 12) .. TrapezoidalMF(7, 9, 10, 12)

    tip := begin
        domain = 0:30
        cheap = 0.8 * TriangularMF(1, 5, 9) .. TriangularMF(0, 5, 10)
        average = 0.8 * TriangularMF(11, 15, 19) .. TriangularMF(10, 15, 20)
        generous = 0.8 * TriangularMF(22, 25, 29) .. TriangularMF(20, 25, 30)

    service == poor || food == rancid --> tip == cheap
    service == good --> tip == average
    service == excellent || food == delicious --> tip == generous

    defuzzifier = KarnikMendelDefuzzifier()

Example block output
fis(service = 2, food = 3)
1-element Dictionaries.Dictionary{Symbol, Float64}
 :tip │ 7.500432748035022