Build a Sugeno inference system

This tutorial describes how to construct a type-1 Sugeno inference system. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the basic syntax to build a fuzzy system, which is described in the Build a Mamdani inference system tutorial.

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A Sugeno inference system can be built using the @sugfis macro. The following example shows the macro in action

using FuzzyLogic, Plots

fis = @sugfis function tipper(service, food)::tip
    service := begin
        domain = 0:10
        poor = GaussianMF(0.0, 1.5)
        good = GaussianMF(5.0, 1.5)
        excellent = GaussianMF(10.0, 1.5)

    food := begin
        domain = 0:10
        rancid = TrapezoidalMF(-2, 0, 1, 3)
        delicious = TrapezoidalMF(7, 9, 10, 12)

    tip := begin
        domain = 0:30
        cheap = 5.002
        average = 15
        generous = 2service, 0.5food, 5.0

    service == poor || food == rancid --> tip == cheap
    service == good --> tip == average
    service == excellent || food == delicious --> tip == generous

service ∈ [0, 10] with membership functions:
    poor = GaussianMF{Float64}(0.0, 1.5)
    good = GaussianMF{Float64}(5.0, 1.5)
    excellent = GaussianMF{Float64}(10.0, 1.5)

food ∈ [0, 10] with membership functions:
    rancid = TrapezoidalMF{Int64}(-2, 0, 1, 3)
    delicious = TrapezoidalMF{Int64}(7, 9, 10, 12)

tip ∈ [0, 30] with membership functions:
    cheap = 5.002
    average = 15
    generous = 2.0service + 0.5food + 5.0

Inference rules:
(service is poor ∨ food is rancid) --> tip is cheap
service is good --> tip is average
(service is excellent ∨ food is delicious) --> tip is generous

- ProdAnd()
- ProbSumOr()

The result is an object of type SugenoFuzzySystem. This is similar to a Mamdani, with the main difference being in the output definition. In a Sugeno system, the output "membership functions" can be:

  • A ConstantSugenoOutput, e.g. average = 15. This means that if the tip is average, then it has constant value $15$,
  • A LinearSugenoOutput, e.g. generous = 2service, 0.5food, 5.0. This means that if the tip is generous, then its value will be $2service+0.5food + 5.0$.

It is good to highlight that these functions return the value of the output variable and not a membership degree, like in a Mamdani system.

The second difference from a Mandani system is in the settings that can be tuned. A Sugeno system only has the following options:

The created model can be evaluated the same way of a Mamdani system.

fis(service = 2, food = 3)
1-element Dictionaries.Dictionary{Symbol, Union{Float64, FuzzyLogic.Interval{Float64}}}
 :tip │ 7.4781463658605665

Let's see the plotting of output variables, as it differs from the Mamdani system

plot(fis, :tip)
Example block output

As you can see

  • If the membership function is constant, then the plot simply shows a horizontal line at the output value level.
  • For LinearSugenoOutput, the plot is a bar plot, showing for each input variable the corresponding coefficient. This gives a visual indication of how much each input contributes to the output.

Like the Mamdani case, we can plot the whole system.

Example block output

Similarly to Mamdani, we can also generate stand-alone Julia code

fis_ex = compilefis(fis)
:(function tipper(service, food)
      poor = exp(-((service - 0.0) ^ 2) / 4.5)
      good = exp(-((service - 5.0) ^ 2) / 4.5)
      excellent = exp(-((service - 10.0) ^ 2) / 4.5)
      rancid = max(min((food - -2) / 2, 1, (3 - food) / 2), 0)
      delicious = max(min((food - 7) / 2, 1, (12 - food) / 2), 0)
      ant1 = (poor + rancid) - poor * rancid
      ant2 = good
      ant3 = (excellent + delicious) - excellent * delicious
      tot_weight = ant1 + ant2 + ant3
      cheap = 5.002
      average = 15
      generous = 5.0 + 2.0service + 0.5 * food
      tip = (ant1 * cheap + ant2 * average + ant3 * generous) / tot_weight
      return tip
tipper(2, 3)