Build a Mamdani inference system

This tutorial gives a general overiew of FuzzyLogic.jl basic functionalities by showing how to implement and use a type-1 Mamdani inference system.

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To follow the tutorial, you should have installed Julia.

Next, you can install FuzzyLogic.jl with

using Pkg; Pkg.add("FuzzyLogic")

Building the inference system

First, we need to load the library.

using FuzzyLogic

The Mamdani inference system can be constructed with the @mamfis macro. We will first give a full example and then explain every step.

fis = @mamfis function tipper(service, food)::tip
    service := begin
        domain = 0:10
        poor = GaussianMF(0.0, 1.5)
        good = GaussianMF(5.0, 1.5)
        excellent = GaussianMF(10.0, 1.5)

    food := begin
        domain = 0:10
        rancid = TrapezoidalMF(-2, 0, 1, 3)
        delicious = TrapezoidalMF(7, 9, 10, 12)

    tip := begin
        domain = 0:30
        cheap = TriangularMF(0, 5, 10)
        average = TriangularMF(10, 15, 20)
        generous = TriangularMF(20, 25, 30)

    and = ProdAnd
    or = ProbSumOr
    implication = ProdImplication

    service == poor || food == rancid --> tip == cheap
    service == good --> tip == average
    service == excellent || food == delicious --> tip == generous

    aggregator = ProbSumAggregator
    defuzzifier = CentroidDefuzzifier

service ∈ [0, 10] with membership functions:
    poor = GaussianMF{Float64}(0.0, 1.5)
    good = GaussianMF{Float64}(5.0, 1.5)
    excellent = GaussianMF{Float64}(10.0, 1.5)

food ∈ [0, 10] with membership functions:
    rancid = TrapezoidalMF{Int64}(-2, 0, 1, 3)
    delicious = TrapezoidalMF{Int64}(7, 9, 10, 12)

tip ∈ [0, 30] with membership functions:
    cheap = TriangularMF{Int64}(0, 5, 10)
    average = TriangularMF{Int64}(10, 15, 20)
    generous = TriangularMF{Int64}(20, 25, 30)

Inference rules:
(service is poor ∨ food is rancid) --> tip is cheap
service is good --> tip is average
(service is excellent ∨ food is delicious) --> tip is generous

- ProdAnd()
- ProbSumOr()
- ProdImplication()
- ProbSumAggregator()
- CentroidDefuzzifier(100)

As you can see, defining a fuzzy inference system with @mamfis looks a lot like writing Julia code. Let us now take a closer look at the components. The first line

function tipper(service, food)::tip

specifies the basic properties of the system, particularly

  • the function name tipper will be the name of the system
  • the input arguments service, food represent the input variables of the system
  • the output type annotation ::tip represents the output variable of the system. If the system has multiple outputs, they should be enclosed in braces, i.e. ::{tip1, tip2}

The next block is the variable specifications block, identified by the := operator. This block is used to specify the domain and membership functions of a variable, for example

service := begin
    domain = 0:10
    poor = GaussianMF(0.0, 1.5)
    good = GaussianMF(5.0, 1.5)
    excellent = GaussianMF(10.0, 1.5)

The order of the statements inside the begin ... end block is irrelevant.

  • The line domain = 0:10 sets the domain of the variable to the interval $[0, 10]$. Note that setting the domain is required

  • The other lines specify the membership functions of the variable.

For example, poor = GaussianMF(0.0, 1.5) means that the variable has a Gaussian membership function called poor with mean $0.0$ and stanrdard devisation $1.5$. A complete list of supported dmembership functions and their parameters can be found in the Membership functions section of the API documentation.

Next, we describe rule blocks. A fuzzy relation such as service is poor is described with the == operator, for example service == poor. The premise i.e. left-hand side, of the rule can be any logical proposition connecting fuzzy relations with the && (AND) and || (OR) operators. The consequence i.e. right-hand side, of the rule is a fuzzy relation for the output variable. Premise and consequence are connected with the --> operator. For example, the rule

service == poor || food == rancid --> tip == cheap

reads If the service is poor or the food is rancid, then the tip is cheap.

Note that in the premise can be any logical proposition, you can have both && and || connectives and you can also have nested propositions. For example, the following is a valid rule

service == poor || food = rancid && service == good

The connectives follow Julia precedence rules, so && binds stronger than ||.

If you have multiple outputs, then the consequence should be a tuple, for example

service == poor || food == rancid --> (tip1 == cheap, tip2 == cheap)

Finally, assignment lines like

and = ProdAnd

are used to set the settings of the inference system. For a Mamdani inference system, the following settings are available

If one of the above settings is not specified, the corresponding default value is used.

Some of the above settings may have internal parameters. For example, CentroidDefuzzifier has an integer parameter N, the number of points used to perform numerical integration. If the parameter is not specified, as in defuzzifier = CentroidDefuzzifier, then the default value for N can be used. This parameter can be overwritten with custom values, for example

defuzzifier = CentroidDefuzzifier(50)

will use $50$ as value of N instead of the default one ($100$ in this case).


The library offers tools to visualize your fuzzy inference system. This requires installing and importing the Plots.jl library.

using Plots

The membership functions of a given variable can be plotted by calling plot(fis, varname), where fis is the inference system you created and varname is the name of the variable you want to visualize, given as a symbol. For example,

plot(fis, :service)

Giving only the inference system object to plot will plot the inference rules, one per line.



To perform inference, you can call the above constructed inference system as a function, passing th input values as parameters. Note that the system does not accept positional arguments, but inputs should be passed as name-value pairs. For example

res = fis(service = 2, food = 3)
1-element Dictionaries.Dictionary{Symbol, Float64}
 :tip │ 7.480430420665251

The result is a Dictionary containing the output value corresponding to each output variable. The value of a specific output variable can be extracted using the variable name as key.


Code generation

The model can be compiled to native Julia code using the compilefis function. This produces optimized Julia code independent of the library, that can be executed as stand-alone function.

fis_ex = compilefis(fis)
:(function tipper(service, food)
      poor = exp(-((service - 0.0) ^ 2) / 4.5)
      good = exp(-((service - 5.0) ^ 2) / 4.5)
      excellent = exp(-((service - 10.0) ^ 2) / 4.5)
      rancid = max(min((food - -2) / 2, 1, (3 - food) / 2), 0)
      delicious = max(min((food - 7) / 2, 1, (12 - food) / 2), 0)
      ant1 = (poor + rancid) - poor * rancid
      ant2 = good
      ant3 = (excellent + delicious) - excellent * delicious
      tip_agg = collect(LinRange{Float64}(0.0, 30.0, 101))
      @inbounds for (i, x) = enumerate(tip_agg)
              cheap = max(min((x - 0) / 5, (10 - x) / 5), 0)
              average = max(min((x - 10) / 5, (20 - x) / 5), 0)
              generous = max(min((x - 20) / 5, (30 - x) / 5), 0)
              tip_agg[i] = (((ant1 * cheap + ant2 * average) - (ant1 * cheap) * (ant2 * average)) + ant3 * generous) - ((ant1 * cheap + ant2 * average) - (ant1 * cheap) * (ant2 * average)) * (ant3 * generous)
      tip = ((2 * sum((mfi * xi for (mfi, xi) = zip(tip_agg, LinRange{Float64}(0.0, 30.0, 101)))) - first(tip_agg) * 0) - last(tip_agg) * 30) / ((2 * sum(tip_agg) - first(tip_agg)) - last(tip_agg))
      return tip

The new expression can now be evaluated as normal Julia code. Notice that the generated function uses positional arguments.

tipper(2, 3)